Wednesday, September 1, 2010

apples, pears, and fasting

I read about a fast that is supposed to help pass gallstones. I've been having gallbladder issues over the past week or so. Had another major attack a week ago. Since then, I've noticed some lower back pain that is pretty consistent with the last attack I had (while pregnant with P). The doctors said that my gallbladder appeared healthy so they didn't want to do surgery. Since then, I've been pretty good about avoiding (or drastically reducing) super greasy, high fat, and caffeine infused foods but our mini-vacation wasn't super good for that. I think it was a combination of the Sal and Mookie's pizza and the super coffee drink from McDonalds that finally put my poor gallbladder over the edge.

So, the point of this is that after the second major attack, I went out searching for a way to non-surgically help with these two little stones. There are several different cleanses out there (some of which involved an enema), but I found this -- (it's not scientific by any means!)

"what's helped me in the past is a two day cleanse. This includes and ONLY includes: Pear juice, pears, apple juice (but NO apples), and as much apple sauce as one's self can take, cuz that is the entire menu, and water, of course. For 2 whole days only those items. You may find towards the end of the cleanse some unexpected stones in your stool."

I'm starving...


  1. Don't know how you can be hungry after reading that description, lol!

  2. Umm, where does one get pear juice?

  3. I found some on the baby/toddler food isle. It's actually pretty good :D

    Just an FYI though...I gave up last night and made myself a salad. I was starving!! I justify by saying that there's no way starving myself is healthy for my body.
