Wednesday, August 11, 2010

chocolate cherry filled donut!

I caved...and it was so good (that and the blueberry cake donut)

BUT I felt so sick afterward.

I hate the slow process of a lifestyle change like WW!!


  1. Remember that Sick feeling and keep it in the forefront of your mind. Think of how many calories are in it, and how long it takes to burn one off of those doughnuts. Remember, about 3,000 calories = 1 pound lost or gained.
    That's what helps me to avoid things like doughnuts. I work out hard enough as it is, and I don't want to feel like I have to work extra hard just because of some fried dough that I ate! My 2 cents :)

  2. First, I'm jealous, b/c a donut sounds so good. Second, U R N trouble... that is all.

  3. Oh my, one time at Krispy Kreme I managed to get a sour cream cake doughnut straight out of the magic fryer machine. It was seriously the most absolutely delicious thing I have ever eaten in my life. Thankfully now, the cold ones or even microwaved ones aren't tempting in the slightest. May the Lord shield me from ever knowing what time and day they cook them!! ;)
