Wednesday, August 4, 2010

product review!!

So, I believe it was Tina who introduced me to MetroMint Water waaaayyyy back when -- a loong time ago.

I've tried the peppermint water and absolutely loved it. Way back when a few years ago, it was only about .99 cents a bottle (I'd buy 7 at a time). At a whopping $1.49 a bottle, it's almost a delicacy at this point. We joked about trying all the varieties but I've only been able to find the spearmint and peppermint. While perusing at Kroger the other day, I found chocolatemint (scroll down) and decided to give it a try. The first few sips were pretty gross but man that stuff is quite addicting. It really does taste like chocolate mint. It's kind of like a liquid version of those chocolate mint that you buy to eat. It's not one of those things you'd drink on a regular basis, but if you haven't tried the MetroMint water, you should at least buy the peppermint version. It's coooold and delicious! I'd buy another chooclatemint bottle again but I'd buy the peppermint version frequently if it was cheaper. It's especially good for those hot weather days when you decide to run outside or complete a 5K.


  1. Oh my! That does sound yummy! Sometimes Kroger has MetroMint water on sale. I'll have to keep an eye on it so I can try it!!

  2. I went ahead and splurged on a 1.50 bottle today. Can't wait to try it!
