Saturday, August 14, 2010

sour taste of defeat...

I've tasted was delicious! I worked my rear end off week after week and lost 90 lbs in 2 and 1/2 years. Now tell me why now, doing the exact same things I did then, I lost a minuscule .2 lbs this week. I sat in the meeting today almost in tears because I felt defeated. I'm tired of turning down a nice trip out with friends because I'm trying to be good and only eat quality foods at home. I watched everyone (skinny folks mind you) at the dinner table eat FRIED PICKLES (my absolute favorite snack) while I sat there sipping my water waiting on my baked fish. The baked fish was delicious, don't get me wrong, but that basket of pickles looked amazing. I get so frustrated when people make absolutely no attempt to lose weight and do it with ease. I know the grass is greener on the other side, I've tasted it...but it wasn't easy for me and I had absolutely no room for the indulgences that some of you (not pointing fingers) enjoy on a regular basis. I'm tired of skinny people trying to sell me fast food on tv. In the meeting today they talked about patience and persistance. I'm glad I stayed for the meeting but at the same time, listening to everyone's 3 lb, 2 lb, and 4 lb losses was hard to swallow when I did everything I needed to do this week. Yes I splurged one day and got donuts, but I compensated with my meals and had plenty of bonus points remaining at the end of the week.


  1. Poop on weight loss's head. I'm sorry things aren't working like it feels they should. Hey though, you said you worked your butt of for 2 1/2 years to lose 90 lbs, that's about .7 lbs a week. Talk about slow going, but in the end it came out to be ninety freakin' pounds!! You will do it! With 1lb last week and .2 this week, you're already averaging .6! Woo hoo for math! ;)

  2. Sorry about the pickles, if only fried food was gross. Next time just keep thinking of witty blog comments to keep your mind off the temptation!
