Saturday, August 7, 2010


Well, today was week 2 of WW and I almost cried the whole way home today (but it's hard to do that when you're on the phone with P). According to my bathroom scale, I had lost 2 lbs (I was hoping for more than that to be honest) but when I got on the scale at the WW meeting, she said you've lost 1.4 lbs...great job. Great job? That sucks! I've been there before, I've been that person who says, a loss is a loss, you should take it but this week I was really hoping for a big 1st week loss. I calculated my points and did the best I could with what I had to work with. I even gave myself a big cushion with 14 remaining bonus points for the end of the week.

Oh well...

On another note, last night I bought some Nutella for P (I'd had it a looong time ago and remember hating it). That stuff is freaking delicious!! I feel like I've been missing out all these years and just can't figure out what about it I didn't like the last time. At 200 calories a serving and 11 grams of's bad news for my WW program (5 pts a serving!), but I'm going to have to figure something out.

So I'm going to go cry for a little while and move on from this week's can only hope for a bigger loss next week.


  1. Oh me, that stinks and I know it sucks to hear anyone try and cheer you up about it. Crying is really the way to go until you're done! ;)

  2. Nutella!!!!! I'll have to find that recipe and send it to you, it looks sooooo good! :)
