Wednesday, July 28, 2010

day 4

Honestly, this whole "no sugar" thing is kind of boring. I think that I'm eating worse but I have lost 1.5 lbs. I really didn't do this to lose weight. I did it to try to make a more conscious effort when selecting food to eat. Anyway, I just don't feel like it's making a huge difference. I like that I can eat anything I want and still lose weight but I think the WW lifestyle is better for me. I feel like this whole "journey" is lonely. I don't feel like anyone else around thinks about the 20 lbs they're going to gain before eating that plate of french fries and that ice cream. I want so badly to be able to just eat and not worry about the pounds that will be packed on from the food. I guess that's why all this is so hard for me. It's like a constant battle that I'm always losing. At my lowest weight I worried the most about what I ate. I wish I could find a point where I'm happy with my weight and happy with what I eat.

Oh well...P is really fussing at me today. He's been sick so it's been super fun times in my house (makes all this especially fun)

** P is taking a nap...this is in the oven now!! **

fruit smoothie (P drank half of it -- he's such a beggar)

leftovers from last night

munched on chips and cheese while cooking


  1. That bread looks so good! And 1.5 is sooo great!!!! :)

  2. the bread was HORRIBLE!! I'll have to make my other recipe next time.
