Thursday, July 15, 2010

more on the "NO SUGAR challenge"

I went to the grocery store yesterday and basically EVERYTHING has added sugar if it's in a can, jar, box, etc. I was able to find some organic spaghetti sauce [but I could always make my own spaghetti sauce] that did NOT have sugar in it as well as some organic pasta but I'll probably just steam a spaghetti squash. I've had one in my fridge for a while now...I bet it's bad :( I did not find any bread that didn't have some form of sugar in it. Yesterday when I was doing my research I found that bread needs the sugar to metabolize or something like that. L was arguing with me last night about how I can't use pasta and rice because it all braeks down to sugar anyway. He thinks the whole thing is silly but of course, he'll be eating his fast food for lunch every day so it won't really help him any. I was saddened to see that my bacon has sugar. Sigh...

so far, here's my ideas for recipes so far...
breakfast will be eggs and cheese with applesauce or a smoothie of some sort.
spaghetti squash and meatsauce
skillet grilled chicken with fresh veggies
chicken piccata

I'm going to take a picture of everything in my cabinet that has added sugar. This will be depressing.

Here's a running list of resources I'm using -- OH, and I'm avoiding artificial sweeteners as well.

Lacey's post that inspired me -- but I sure can't do it for a month.

another blogger who completed the challenge in a week [I don't know this person]

Inside the Pyramid - added sugars

info on hidden sugars

The shopping list and plan [so far] -- obviously anything on this list will not have added sugar.
lots of fresh fruit
canned fruit (in case my fresh fruit can't last the week)
unsweetened applesauce
search for wraps or breads [this will probably be tough]
dinner meals should be easy
if I eat out, I'll need to have a plan in advance [my fear is that it will be hard to know for sure -- salads all the way]

--more later


  1. One other thing - if you know anybody that has the South Beach Diet book with the recipis, almost all of that diet is based on low to no sugar, especially in the first book. Although I don't recommend doing the South Beach Diet because you will get burned out easily, but it has great ideas to life changes.

  2. thanks Lacey! I'm definitely one for "fad" you don't have to worry about me doing that. I definitely appreciate recipe ideas!
