Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 12, 13, and 14 [on Day 15]

Well, I've kept track of everything over the's not the best but it is what it is.

hopped on the Wii before we left...
bowl of Life cereal and 1% milk -- 200 (4)

what's for lunch [in the car]? so many options...
How about a 2 for 1 milkshake?

Kid's Wacky Pack (2 chicken strips, banana, lemon slush)
this banana was HORRIBLE (only ate about half)
Dottie's stats: 9.5 points
Chicken Strips (2 strips) (210 cal/11 g fat/1 g fiber/13 g carbs) 5
Lemon Fresh Fruit Slush - Wacky Pack (12 oz) (170 cal/0 g fat/0 g fiber/46 g carbs) 3.5
banana -- 100 calories (1)

I was starving by the time we made it to Tina's...
Afternoon snack
Water -- (0)
Grips Grahams -- 130 calories (2)

Dinner -- my attempt to be healthy :(
Uptown Turkey (45 grain bread, turkey, bacon, avocado, very little mayo)
The Corner Bakery lists it on the website -- 580 calories (12)
carrots and dill pickle -- 40 calories (0)

ate some of P's fruit -- 70 calories for whole cup (1)

Dessert -- we walked, does that count?
coffee and cheesecake yogurt with Butterfinger and caramel topping
let's just say 350 calories (7)
stats for day 12
total points consumed -- 35
total points remaining -- (-10)
total bonus points remaining -- 22

Day 13

Fiber One (stole from Tina) -- 130 calories (2)

(I asked for grilled but Louis didn't realize they gave him the wrong thing till he sat down)
again, stats from Dottie's
Chick-fil-A Chick-n-Strips Salad (390 cal/18 g fat/4 g fiber/22 g carbs) 8.5
Fat Free Honey Mustard Dressing [2 tbsp/2 servings per container] (60 cal/0 g fat/0 g fiber/14 g carbs) 1 (2 total)

didn't eat many of these...probably about 10
chips -- 150 calories? (3)

Meal -- gonna guess the stats based on another Mexican restaurant
Shrimp Chimichanga (1) (360 cal/21 g fat/0 g fiber/33 g carbs) 9
Refried Beans (1/4 cup) (68 cal/12 g fat/0 g fiber/0 g carbs) 2.5
Spanish Rice (1 cup) (213 cal/4 g fat/0 g fiber/41 g carbs) 5
avocado salad -- gonna guess about 150 calories (3)
Cheese Sauce (1/2 cup) (160 cal/8 g fat/0 g fiber/12 g carbs) 4

stats for day 13
total points consumed -- 39
total points remaining -- (-15)
total bonus points remaining -- 7

Day 14
1 egg with Feta-- 120 calories (2)
natural apple sauce -- 50 calories (1)

Miso soup -- 40 calories (1)

SUSHI!!! -- stats from
Rock and Roll (shrimp tempura?) -- 500 calories (10)
Avocado roll -- 140 (3)
Rock and Roll sauce -- 50 calories (1)

to quote L: "We've had spaghetti, we've had squash, we've had spaghetti squash, now we've had spaghetti with squash"
Veggi Sketi (my title) with parm. -- 350 calories (7)
1/2 cup yellow squash -- 20 calories (0)

skinny cow -- 100 calories (2)
not my picture...but a fun one

stats for day 14
total points consumed -- 27 (shoulda skipped the skinny cow)
total points remaining -- (-3)
total bonus points remaining -- 4

weight gain from weekend -- could've been worse
14 Day Challenge Stats...

starting weight 192.7

ending weight -- 186.5

total weight loss -- 6.2 pounds
total days with SQUASH (hehe) -- 6

**Day 15**

I wanted and thought about having a totally bad breakfast since the challenge is over but look...I did okay. Slim Fast shake (with Silk milk and pink grapefruit blended in)

Smart One's TV dinner -- (5)
Jello Mousse -- (1)

1/2 cup Couscous -- 75 calories (1)
cream of chicken and mushroom soup, French's onions, 1 small chicken tender -- 300 calories (7)
biscuit -- 100 calories (2) x2 (4)
total points consumed -- 22
total points remaining -- 2
Bonus points remaining -- 35

PHEW...that took a long time to get entered. I've neglected P this morning (he's running around yelling "NO!"...that's it for now. I think I'm going to keep going for another 14 days of this because taking pictures helps me stay accountable.

PS...has anyone noticed that there is a warning label on Silk that says "NOT FOR USE AS INFANT FORMULA!" They only put those things on there because someone did it.


  1. I've also heard before that soy milk is bad for growing boys too because it may stunt the growth of the private. I don't know if this is for sure true (you can never believe everything you read on the internet), but this website says it.
    See the part about Female hormones.

    My husband won't touch the stuff. ha!

  2. That Skinny Cow dessert looks so good!

    And how was the chocolate and grapefruit shake! It sounds delicious!
